Industry news
The new home improvement era is coming, say goodbye to Internet home improvement
2020-01-03 1418
If you understand the development process of Internet home improvement, you will understand that Internet home improvement is actually the inevitable result of the mobile Internet tide. In essence, Internet home improvement is actually a new channel for traditional home improvement companies to acquire users. Perhaps this is the reason for the emergence of large Internet home improvement platforms such as Tubatu and The simple traffic supply gives traditional home improvement companies new vitality and vitality. They only need to cooperate with large Internet home improvement platforms such as Tubatu and Qijiawang to get traffic easily.
The ease of obtaining traffic has promoted the inertia of home improvement companies. Faced with the large number of users coming through the Internet home improvement platform, they have neither time nor willingness to make changes, they just enjoy the dividends of the traffic era. This is very similar to other "Internet +" models. Traffic thinking seems to be the main theme of the entire mobile Internet era. It sounds the assembly number that offline users have transferred to online, and it is also covering up the inherent pain points and ills of the traditional home improvement industry. At the same time, merely changing the docking channel between users and home improvement companies, without changing the practice of the home improvement industry itself, obviously cannot really play a substantial role and effect.
The Internet home improvement of changing soups and not changing medicines encountered difficulties at the dawn of the consumer upgrade era. People are no longer just limited to finding home improvement products and services through the Internet. They are more concerned about how home improvement through the Internet can really get new home improvement products and services. With the end of the Internet era, the transformation of the home improvement industry came, and the internal processes and elements of the home improvement industry changed, which became the beginning of the next change in the home improvement industry.
Reviewing the fundamental needs, the home improvement industry welcomes a new imagination
Engaging in the specific processes and links of the home improvement industry, rather than just changing the docking channel between home improvement products and users, is becoming the main theme throughout the industry. Whether it is a user or a home improvement company, they urgently need a new force to change the traditional and outdated home improvement industry model, hoping that new technologies can promote the evolution of the home improvement industry. Farewell to simple de-intermediate, an unprecedented evolutionary journey of the home improvement industry began.
In this new evolutionary journey, some people are directly involved in the specific processes and links of the home improvement industry, while others want to continue to bring substantial changes to the home improvement industry by intervening in the specific process of the home improvement industry. No matter which way to change the home improvement, it is actually trying to achieve the purpose of improving the efficiency of the home improvement industry by changing the interior of the home improvement industry. It is worth noting that this improvement in efficiency is based on the transformation of internal processes and links in the home improvement industry, not just through de-intermediation. From this logic point of view, the changes in the home improvement industry in the new home improvement era are more focused on the interior of the home improvement, rather than the concept to achieve the purpose of obtaining traffic.
The change of the home improvement industry from external channels to internal links is actually a major manifestation of the transformation of Internet home improvement into new home improvement. People who have been struggling with the pitfalls and pain points of the home improvement industry for a long time have finally obtained the opportunity to break through the inherent pain points of home improvement after being impregnated with Internet home improvement. Design, construction, building materials, and many other home improvement industry processes and links have begun to continually combine with new technologies. These links have begun to undergo fundamental changes within them, which has brought a whole new transformation process from the inside out.
When the new home improvement begins to reexamine the home improvement itself, it may be opening up a new imagination about the home improvement industry. When new technology empowers the specific process of the home improvement industry, a new change from the inside out of the home improvement industry will begin. The era of Internet home improvement is only a simple patchwork of the two elements of "Internet" and "Home improvement", and it has not really changed the home improvement industry itself. The new home improvement is a true fusion of new technology and the home improvement industry. As a result, a new evolution of the home improvement industry opens the door for us to think about new ways for the future development of home improvement.
New technology is the next life-saving straw in the home improvement industry
If the new technology to transform the home improvement industry is to change the home improvement industry from the inside, then the changes in the external market and users make the home improvement industry not a one-man show, but a wonderful drama created by multiple roles together. In the Internet era, the needs of users are how to easily and quickly find the home improvement products and services they want. With the gradual retreat of the Internet dividend, it is no longer possible to play a substantive role simply by making changes in the docking.
Today's users are looking for high-quality home improvement products and services and a good experience in the process of home improvement. Judging from this logic, it is difficult to play a real and substantial role only with the help of Internet technology, and the blessing of new technology can bring different experiences to users. Just as the platform created by the mobile Internet era has brought inspiration to large Internet home improvement companies, in the new era, changes in other industries are also providing new possibilities for the re-evolution of the home improvement industry.
Big data, cloud computing and intelligent technology are just the beginning. Based on the original process and logic of the home improvement industry, new evolution with more technologies as the starting point is the key to how much change the home improvement industry will bring to us in the future. It is just a simple addition of elements, without focusing on deepening the integration between elements and home improvement. New home improvement will inevitably fall into the old way of Internet home improvement. In the future, only by truly integrating external technology and home improvement industry can we The development of the home improvement industry has brought a new generation.
Internet home improvement platforms represented by Tubatu and Qijiawang no longer treat traffic as an eternal “million dollar oil”, but instead use deeper intervention to change things that seem to require more effort to achieve. . When the Internet home improvement sinks in the beautiful pictures drawn by the capital, the new evolution of the new home improvement will begin. The user becomes the center again, the experience is truly supreme, the home improvement process is reshaped, and the Internet home improvement is of course a thing of the past.
New home improvement-this thing that can truly reshape the process and link of home improvement may be the ultimate state of the future home improvement industry. In this era, home improvement is no longer the home improvement itself, but has more substantial meaning. Through home improvement, what we get is not to live in, but to get a new lifestyle. The re-opening of home improvement functions and meanings will take us to review the home improvement industry, instead of just building concepts blindly, only capital first.
The end of the Internet home improvement is actually an inevitable. From the day it was born, it was destined that it was only a part of the evolution of home improvement. When the Internet dividends diminish and the energy of capital blessing the Internet continues to weaken, the Internet home improvement will also become a passer-by. At this time, the new home furnishings lifted the clouds and rose, it represented a brand new stage in the evolution of home furnishings. At this time, the home furnishings may be truly different from the traditional home furnishings.